Monday 2 September 2013

On A Roll!

Well, it's been a great couple of days - I've lost another kilo - which makes it 23 kilos or nearly 51 pounds. It's exciting when the weight drops off quickly over a few days - makes up for the couple of weeks of nothing. I measured myself too and I've lost an inch from everywhere since the last time I measured myself - which was about six kilos ago. So overall, I've lost five inches from my waist, and four inches from my hips, each thigh, each arm, and my chest - though in that case it seems to have come off my back as my bras still fill the same way as before! It's great - I finally have a mostly flat back - the little rolls of fat are gone. I can wear tops now that before clung a bit and showed off the lumps - so I'd cover up with a cardigan. Now those tops are loose around the back.

I haven't been doing anything different - I think it may be the three days of feasting that I did recently. I also have been eating a bit more on my feast days in general - going from about 1600 calories to about 1900. Maybe that's having an effect - I may have slowed down my metabolism by having 1600 calories one day and then 500 the next. Probably not enough.

I had a feast day on Friday, and then was meeting some friends in town on Saturday night. Since I knew I'd drink, and ruin a fast, I decided to let Saturday be a feast day too and then fasted yesterday instead.
John is going to see his parents in Galway on Wednesday and he'll be gone till Friday. I'm so tempted to get a takeaway on Thursday night - Chinese or Indian - both of which I enjoy from time to time but which John doesn't like at all - so I never eat it. Thursday is supposed to be a fast day so I might have two feast days in a row. I don't know though - I have Pilates on Thursday night and having a big meal before that is not the best idea... Hmmm... what to do....?

Zumba tonight - kind of wish I wasn't going - I'm tired after the weekend and a cosy night in would suit me nicely. But I've paid, so I'll go. I am looking forward to how I'll feel afterwards - on a high and really pleased with myself. I put it into My Fitness Pal and it said that 45 minutes of Zumba was 640 calories!! I really don't know if I'm going to burn that much - that might be for people with slightly more stamina than I! So although My Fitness Pal is telling me that I can eat 2300 calories today - I'm stopping at 2000. Don't want to ruin the extra calorie burning effects of exercise!


  1. It sounds like ADF has not only helped you lose weight, but has really propelled you into healthier habits. I love reading your progress!

  2. Only saw that comment now! Thanks for the encouragement - I do feel really pleased with myself. I just wish that feast days weren't so exciting and that food was less tempting but I can feel a slow change starting to take place there too - not eating bread or too many crisps because I'll feel bloated.

    How was the wedding??
