Saturday 8 June 2013

Do I look thinner yet?

And here we are, day one!
I finished my Forever Living nine-day detox last night and today woke up to my first day of fasting. So far it's not very different to what I've been doing for the last nine days. I still have some things left over from the detox so I took two supplements and some aloe vera gel, mixed in a pint of water and orange juice.

I feel fine so far, not even hungry yet. I work part-time in a bookshop and today's my day there which is probably good. If I'm distracted I won't think about food. The sun is blazing down too which helps. I get all lean-feeling when it's sunny. I have images of bronzed bikini babes in my head that I aspire to.

I'll be home at half six tonight, and John is going to see his dad, so I'll be on my own for dinner. I think I'll have some leftover bolegnese that I made last night, with a boiled potato. That should get me to 500 calories quite easily. I should probably also walk the dog... Bane of my life!

I woke up yesterday with FOUR cold sores around my mouth and nose. It's awfully disfiguring and embarrassing - I've always been prone to them but never four at once! So now I'm a bit reluctant to go to the barbecue tomorrow. There'll be a lot of people there that I don't know and I look awful.
But I really do need a cheat day I think. I haven't lost weight in about four days, since losing the amazing six kilos at the start of the detox. I find often that a day of normal eating (and a little bit more) can kickstart another weight loss. So if I don't go to the barbecue, but sit and hide at home, I'm going to have a nice feast day. Maybe pasta for lunch with cheese and pesto. And some chocolate.
I'm a bit scared about eating though I must say. I've been so restricted for the last nine days that I've nearly forgotten how to eat without caring. Terrified I'll put some weight back on.

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