Tuesday 11 June 2013

Fasting Feasting

Second feast day today. I can't seem to get into them, funnily enough. I had no breakfast - just wandered around the kitchen, looking in cupboards and in the fridge and choosing nothing. I didn't feel that hungry and none of the usual temptations jumped out at me. I think I'm still a bit worried about gaining weight. I thought about having a bowl of cereal but considering 30 grams is a serving size and I would want a lot more than that, the number of calories it would use up scared me off.

I ended up having two slices of toast with some smoked salmon for my lunch, which was 600 calories, (bread is a demon!) and we went for dinner at my parents. My mum said she was making tagliatelle carbonara, which I love and fully intended to wolf down. In the end though, to suit my fussy sister, she just made tagliatelle with a cream and rasher sauce, and ratatouille on the side with a bit of cheese grated on top. It was lovely, but only came to about 700 calories. And that included 3 little chocolate eggs as dessert!

The My Fitness Pal app is getting worried about me! I'm consistently under my daily calorie allowance. I know I should probably up my calories a bit, just to keep my metabolism going, but I hardly think I'm going into starvation mode. I mean, I am full after each meal.

I must say though, that this diet is so lovely to follow. This morning I couldn't believe that I was on another feast day already - I was quite prepared to fast for another couple of days.

Still haven't done any exercise. The short Irish summer we were enjoying has disappeared - it's been raining non-stop for the last two days. Also, the dog has hurt her elbow and the vet said not to walk her for the next week. News I was secretly delighted to hear...


  1. Don't worry about hitting "starvation mode." That occurs after about 3 consecutive weeks of straight fasting/extreme calorie restriction. A lot of people confuse ketosis with "starvation mode," and even then, as long as you have enough carbs in your system to power your brain, you won't even be producing many ketones to substitute glucose. It sounds like between the bread and pasta, that won't be an issue.

  2. Ok, thanks for the reassurance. Is ketosis a good or a bad thing? I looked it up but the jury seems to be out on it. It just comes from a very low-carb diet, doesn't it?
    Not ever going to happen to me if so. Love them too much.

  3. I mean, it is normal for the body to produce some ketones which are excreted normally. However, too much of anything can be dangerous (like sugar, water, salt, or anything else). Ketone bodies turn into acetone, which as you may know is used to remove nail polish and is considered a toxic substance. Prolonged total or water fasting, or the total elimination of carbs forces the body to rely on ketosis to get energy the brain can use. Ketosis also causes a really bad odor (imagine smelling like rotting meat). Lowering carbs doesn't cause the body to rely on ketosis, but elimination would. One can get all the carbs one really needs from veggies and fruit.

  4. Ok, doesn't seem to be something I'll need to worry about so! Thanks for the reply. I was just interested because I saw someone on a forum somewhere saying they had been in a state of nutritional ketosis for the last year! Seemed to be the buzzword on that forum.
